The Pc-615 is a digital vacuum gauge controller using a Convectron gauge tube as measuring tube.
Its measurement range is from 1.0*10(-3) to 9.9 * 10(2)
Torr. Since this aguge provides useful pressure measurement
over 6 decades, so the Pc-615 is very convenient for vacuum
process applications.
*.Wide pressure range 1.0*10(-3) to 9.9 * 10(2) Torr.
*.Operates CONVECTRON gauge tube.
*.Gauge tubes interchangeable without adjustments to controller.
*.User selectable units of Torr, mbar.
*.Two process control set points.
*.1/4 DIN standard package for convenient mounting.
*.Bright gressn LED display.
*.Full range 90~260Vac power input.